TRIARC is an authorised financial services provider FSP45009. This insurance products is underwritten by Guardrisk Life FSP76. VDB Brokers (Pty) Ltd is an Autorised Financial Service Provider FSP 51449.
4 easy steps to get covered
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Attorney Support in South Africa
Our team of attorneys will finalise your policy by making sure the value added services are added to your cover.
Gerhard J. van Rensburg (Head of Fiduciary at Myprotector)
1) Bachelor of Law / B-Luris (University of South Africa)
2) LLB (WITS) Cum Laude
3) Admitted Attorney
[Legal consulting in English and Afrikaans]
Our team of attorneys are managed by Gerhard who will ensure you receive the best possible service.
Submit your completed legal will forms to: