myPRO Guardian Trust Cover

These policies are provided to you by:

TRIARC is an authorised financial services provider FSP45009. 
This insurance products is underwritten by Guardrisk Life FSP76.
VDB Brokers (Pty) Ltd is an Autorised Financial Service Provider FSP 51449.

4 easy steps to get covered

MyProtector Members:

Please complete this quote form:

How much do you need?

Determining the appropriate amount for a guardian life cover to provide for your children involves considering several factors, such as your children's ages, future education costs, daily living expenses, and inflation.

What are your children's annual living expenses (e.g., housing, food, clothing, healthcare, extracurricular activities)?

How many years of financial support will your children need until they reach adulthood or become financially independent?

What are the estimated education costs for your children (including primary, secondary, and tertiary education)?

What additional costs might be involved for education (e.g., books, uniforms, transportation, boarding fees)?

What is the current inflation rate, and how might it affect future expenses for your children?

Do you need to set aside any additional funds for emergencies or unforeseen expenses related to your children?

Are there any specific activities or programs your children participate in that require extra funding?

Add these all together and come up with an amount of money you will need to cover your children, or adult dependent until they are self sufficient.

Place the amount into the quote form (at the bottom). You will be provided a quote based on your amount and affordability.

I acknowledge that my contact details will be shared with third-party service providers and insurers who provide coverage and services on behalf of MyProtector, in accordance with the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013. I understand that my contact details may be shared with these third parties solely for the purposes of quoting, securing, and providing the insurance coverage to which I have subscribed. Should any additional third-party operators become involved, my further consent will be obtained before processing my information with those third parties.

Attorney Support
in South Africa

Our team of attorneys will finalise your policy by making sure the value added services are added to your cover.

Gerhard J. van Rensburg
(Head of Fiduciary at Myprotector)

1) Bachelor of Law / B-Luris (University of South Africa)
2) LLB (WITS) Cum Laude
3) Admitted Attorney

[Legal consulting in English and Afrikaans]

Our team of attorneys are managed by Gerhard who will ensure you receive the best possible service.

Submit your completed legal will forms to: