Make sure you have prepared all the relevant basic legal documents to build a foundation for your life. If you have not as yet done any of these along the way, you can download and submit these to us in your own time.

All Myprotector members have access to these basic legal document.

Legal documents

My Living Will
My Last Will and Testament (Single Parent)
My Last Will and Testament (Single & Joint)

Attorney Support
in South Africa

Our team of attorneys will ensure you receive the best possible service. However, if your circumstances prove to be more intricate than the standard documents allow for, then please contact Myprotector to discuss your options. Our legal consultants will look through ALL of your prepared documents so that you can be absolutely sure that they are all correct.

Gerhard J. van Rensburg
(Head of Fiduciary at Myprotector)

1) Bachelor of Law / B-Luris (University of South Africa)
2) LLB (WITS) Cum Laude
3) Admitted Attorney

[Legal consulting in English and Afrikaans]

Our team of attorneys are managed by Gerhard who will ensure you receive the best possible service. However, if your circumstances prove to be more intricate than the standard documents allow for, then please contact Myprotector to discuss your options. Our legal consultants will look through ALL of your prepared documents so that you can be absolutely sure that they are all correct.

Submit your completed forms to: